Last Fall, a forest fire ravaged our hometown, destroying everything in its path. It's sobering and humbling to watch on powerlessly as the forces of nature, created by God, demonstrate one important aspect of His character... He is a consuming fire.
Dan dives into the Word in the following video, helping us come to grips with the reality of our Living and Powerful God, and the HOPE we have in the plan He made to reconcile a broken people with their loving Creator.
We are excited to offer this resource to you FREE for your small group or youth group. There are also discussion questions available to facilitate further conversation and growth.
Reach out to for the small group questions to facilitate conversation.
* I thought you might appreciate this little time lapse video I took from my phone as the fire was near Timberline. We were forced to look to and trust the Lord with all that He's doing in and through this ministry!
It's especially sweet to rest in God's grace in light of His blameless character and demands for justice.