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Student Life
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We believe that studying the Living Word of God is one of the most significant things anyone can do with their time, and we are extremely careful to emphasize biblically-grounded teaching here at Timberline Lodge.


Our teachers come from various locations and backgrounds in life, but all have had significant and/or formal Biblical education and have personal connections to the Timberline staff. 


Regular teachers include Wayne Weissman, Charlie McCall, Zane Black, Kelly Doherty, Dan Thomas, and more. 

Wayne Weismann teaching on the Torah and the Promised Messiah


Each week the students sit under a different teacher who goes through a new book of the Bible, Theological concept, or a topic related to the Christian life. 


Over the school year students will cover around fifteen books of the Bible in the classroom and will read the entirety of the Bible on their own. 


Books and topics typically covered are Genesis, Joshua, Judges, 1st Samuel, 1st Kings, Ezra, Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Jeremiah, Minor Prophets, Mark, Acts, Romans, 1&2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1&2 Thessalonians, Timothy, Hebrews, James, Revelation, Evangelism, Cross-Cultural Ministry, How to Study the Bible, and Feasts of Israel.


Listen in on some of our classes!

What is God Like? - Rob Whittaker
Colossians - Dan Thomas

Biblical teaching is not constrained to the classroom alone! We bring in elements of scriptural learning to our outdoor adventures and week-long trip to Moab. Red rocks, mountain summits, and campfires can host some of the most impactful classes! Learn more about our Outdoor Adventure Program here

Finley Robinson teaching the book of Joshua in Moab. 


Studying the Word of God has become less and less prioritized in our world, especially in younger generations. Through over 280 hours of in-depth Biblical study (that's more than many Christians receive in 10 years of consistant church-going!), students grow in understanding of the character and works of God and in appreciation of His preserved words.

Teachers are not only deeply invested in communicating Christ's life, but also in connecting with students inside and outside the classroom, answering questions and engaging in difficult conversations. 

Ryan Leeds from Snowboarders and Skiers For Christ talking with students after a class on the book of Mark.

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