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Roots and



- Growth Rings -


"A Campaign for Healthy Growth"

Goal Tracker

$ 2,250,000

August 15 goal


1. Our Vision

What is

our purpose?

to cultivate...


Christ-centered Identity

Christ-led Community

Christ-empowered Ministry




Biblical Teaching

Relational Discipleship

Intentional Community

Practical Outreach

Outdoor Adventure

Transforming Lives

Heather Flies - Youth Leader


"Timberline Lodge has been a safe haven for my leaders, and inspiration for my students, and a meeting place with God for all of us! As long as I am in charge, we will be at Timberline!"        

Esther Watson - Bible School Student

“My year at Timberline was directed by the Lord to challenge and grow me in my walk with Him. He used the community and the teaching to translate what head knowledge I had from growing up in a Christian home to my heart by experiencing it in a way I hadn’t before” 

Zane Black - Speaker/Bible School Student


“God used my year at Timberline to be one of the most transformational years of my life. It became a spring board, launching me into full-time ministry, 15 years ago, through which thousands have been impacted by the resurrected Jesus Christ.”

2. The Need


The ideal context for our vision?

  • Facilities that Serve​​​

  • Space for Growth​​​

  • Staff who Minister

  • Facilities that Serve​​​

  • Space for Growth​​​

  • Staff who Minister

Present Reality

Facilities Restrict Service


  • Awkward and outdated layout makes it difficult to serve guests well

  • No ideal accommodations to welcome families, couples, and older adults

  • Students distracted from Bible teaching by cold and noisy classroom due to poor insulation


Space Limits Growth


  • Hemmed in by neighboring Lodge – campus access through neighbor’s parking lot

  • Size constraints when full - youth groups turned away due to limitations

  • Shortage of buildable land to keep up with ministry growth


Staff Hindered in Ministry


  • Inadequate and unstable housing lowers staff morale

  • Discipleship opportunities are stunted due to distance from campus

  • Housing costs take resources away from other elements of staff support

Timberline Lodge

3. Solution

What is the Solution?

A Campaign for Health

(Over the next five years)

Acting now with a view towards

the next 25 years of ministry

Branches: where ministry happens and fruit-bearing is cultivated (Facilities)


  • Expanded campus to meet present and future needs (32,000 square feet of new facilities)

  • Basic updates to present facility

Roots: unseen, yet essential aspects of ministry (Staff)


  • New sewage plant - completed 2017

  • Infrastructure for new campus

  • Provide adequate housing units for staff, saving a potential of $113,000 per year in rent, and providing long term staff benefits

Soil: the place we are planted to grow (Space)


  • 110 acres next door

  • Provides needed staff housing and space to    expand our campus to meet the needs

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Phase 1 ($2,250,000)

Solve the staff housing problem and purchase property for the future of the ministry


Phase 2 ($5,400,000)

Construct main lodge, first dormitory, and volunteer-staff housing


Phase 3 ($2,050,000)

Build out recreational building, second dormitory, and additional staff/guest cabins


Total Estimated Project Cost: $9,700,000

(32,000 sq/ft of NEW ministry space)


4. Overview

What are the

goals for Phase 1?

Solve the staff housing problem and purchase property for the future of the ministry

1. Creekside House - $400,000

- A large staff house with two separate living units

- 20+ acres of pasture and wetland for fishing and recreation as well as one buildable lot for constructing the house (land to be donated)


2. Ranch property - $1,630,000

- Existing home, single apartment, and modern barn structure

- 85 acres of mostly buildable land


3. Improvements on current property - $220,000


Total needed

for Phase 1

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Drone flyover of the three properties


5. Stewardship

Phase 1 and 


We can’t afford

not to do this!

We want to be good stewards of...

  • Staff: desire to disciple but often distanced and uncertain of future 



  • Finances: High monthly rental costs/inadequate staff benefits



  • Time: Market rising and need increasing

All staff within walking distance of students and guests – housing stability



A savings of $9500 per month in rental costs at present market value



Property purchased while available creating the opportunity for more lives to be transformed


6. Progress

Where are we

after Phase 1?

Reality after Phase 1

Space For Growth (Soil)

  • No longer hemmed in with control over campus access

  • Buildable land owned for present and future ministry needs


Staff Who Minister (Roots)

  • Moral high with better housing

  • Able to spend more time discipling students and guests


Facilities that Serve (Branches)

  • Updates in present buildings improve ministry experience

  • Remaining facility needs addressed in Phases 2 and 3



More Opportunites for Discipleship Leading to Transformed Lives!



7. Partnering

How can I help?

YOU can partner with US!

Flexible Giving Structure:


  • One Time or 3 Year Commitment

  • Cash or Securities through our brokerage account

  • Gifts of time, skills, and other resources


If you have questions about giving or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to ask.


You can reach Dan Thomas at or via his phone at 920-737-7141

Giving Levels:


​Cornerstone Level

Heritage Level

Visionary Level

Ambassador Level

Advocate Level

Builder Level

Steward Level

$500,000 and above

$250,000 - $499,000

$100,000 - $249,000

$50,000 - $99,000

$25,000 - $49,000

$10,000 - $24,000

$5,000 - $9,000

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Thank You!

We want to be faithful stewards. Will you join us?


Donate Now


Make a Donation to Timberline

Timberline Ministries is A 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 84-1308567. For donations over $5000.00 a check is preferred. Please contact Dan Thomas for more information. You can reach Dan Thomas at... or via his phone at 920-737-7141.

8. Timberline History

Who is


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Timberline Lodge was purchased back in 1995 when Brad and Jane Keirnes, who had been involved at Tauernhof, a Torchbearer Bible School in Austria, felt led to bring the same life-transforming blend of Bible teaching, discipleship, and outdoor adventure back to Colorado.  The non-profit, Timberline Ministries, was founded. Shortly after, guests started coming to “The Lodge” to retreat from the busyness of life, ski at Winter Park Resort, and above all else be introduced or reintroduced to the person of Christ through the teaching of His Word.  From day one, the heart of the ministry has been to share with guests the incredible outdoor   


hundreds of youth throughout the summer to enjoy Colorado in full bloom as well as serves youth groups and adult groups throughout the winter months, often taking advantage of the world renown ski resort just 10 minutes away.  For the last 20 years, Timberline has also run a Bible School, where our staff adventure through life with around 35 students for 8 months.  This Bible School program takes Timberline’s history full circle to when its founders originally had the vision to reproduce the life transformational experience that they had so many years ago in Austria, showing again that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore!

environment of the Rocky Mountains in partnership with personal discipleship and Bible teaching. This remains our heart to this day. Now, almost 25 years later, Timberline hosts


9. Torchbearers History

Who is Torchbearers?


Timberline Lodge is a part of the Missionary Fellowship

of Torchbearers (Also known as Capernwray)

It was a God-given vision born out of the devastation of World War II when Major W. Ian Thomas, returning from the war, determined with his wife Joan to open their hearts and doors to European young people. Providing them with lodging and food in a holiday setting, Thomas also gave insightful teaching from the Bible and soon these guests began to discover the adventure of knowing Jesus Christ personally.

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It was the German youth who came in those early years to Capernwray who began calling themselves the “Fackeltraeger” or “carriers of the torch,” and so the name “Torchbearers” was born. The dynamic reality of the Christian life as a relationship with the indwelling Christ began to rekindle the lives of hundreds from all over Europe as Bible Schools sprang up first in Germany and 

then Austria. Since its founding in 1947, the ministry has spread to every continent in 26 different centers, and thousands of people each year have been changed by the reality that first touched the life of Thomas at the age of 19.

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