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Tires, Trails, and Truth (otherwise known as “T3”) is a mountain bike study week at Timberline Lodge, bringing together two amazing things: 

1) The chance to enjoy riding bikes with qualified instructors in one of the nation’s top mountain bike regions, and...


2) The privilege of diving into the Word of God together under gifted Bible teachers to get to know Jesus more personally. 

This week is open for everyone: college students on summer break, career-focused peeps who need a week away, or those wanting to spend quality time with family in a beautiful and uplifting environment. All ages are welcome, and you don’t even need to love mountain biking to participate! We believe all who come will be blessed and impacted by this week!

Check out our answers to FAQ’s below and REGISTER TODAY. You can also reach out to our staff team with any questions you may have! 

Tires, Trails and Truth
Teaching Overview

Josh Pedersen, Director of Vox Bivium (a nine-month discipleship program in South Carolina), will be teaching for this year’s T3 week. He has been serving at Timberline Lodge


for many years as a Bible school guest lecturer and is excited to join us this summer and teach through The Transformed Life; Body, Soul, and Spirit!

Here is an overview of the week’s teaching, from Josh’s perspective:

Do you realize how much God has made us as humans in His own image?

In the same way that God exists as a perfect trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - He has made us triune beings as well. We exist as body, soul, and spirit, and the Lord is transforming all of us through the indwelling life of Christ and the power of His Spirit. The “good news” of Jesus truly is good news for ALL OF US.

Jesus calls us to “…love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Matthew 12:30) 
Join us this summer as we study the beautiful way that the Gospel message of Christ transforms ALL of us.

How should we interact with this body of ours while in this world?
How does the Spirit of God impact our thoughts?
What does Jesus teach us about our minds; or what should we do when we feel overwhelmed with our emotions?
What does it mean to be “born of the Spirit” and to worship in “spirit and in truth”?
What should we do when our thoughts or emotions seem “hopeless” and so much more!

The Word of God has a great deal to say in terms of guiding us into the fullness of life that is found in Christ. We are trusting the Lord to bring us as His people into vitality of spirit, a sound mind, healthy emotions, and a disciplined body.

Guest Testimonials

"Best week ever for my kids! They loved every minute of it and have a new love for mountain biking."
- The Townsend Family
"I have a deeper, fuller, and more appreciative understanding of Christ."
- David
"It is a rewarding week that will create a lasting memory and nourish your soul. The atmosphere and community is amazing."
- The Kaupang Family

Tires, Trails, and Truth Schedule 
Timberline Lodge
July 24-29, 2022

Sunday, July 24th:

4:00 – 6:00pm – Guests check-in/welcome

6:00pm – Dinner

7:00pm – TRUTH session 1 (Josh Pedersen)

8:00pm – dessert/coffee, settle in, free time


Monday, July 25th:

8:00am – Breakfast

9:00am – TRUTH session 2 (Josh Pedersen)

10:30am – Programmed bike ride options for all levels (return time will fluctuate by ride, then free time)

**If you or your family members opt out of today’s ride, there are plenty of options for fun or relaxing at TL, as well as lots to explore in town!

4:00 – 6:00pm – free time, clean up

6:00pm – Dinner

7:00pm – TRUTH session 3 (Josh Pedersen)

8:00pm – bonfire, s’mores, and songs


Tuesday, July 26th:

8:00am – Breakfast

9:00am – TRUTH session 4 (Josh Pedersen)

10:30am – Programmed bike ride options for all levels (return time will fluctuate by ride, then free time)

**If you or your family members opt out of today’s ride, there are plenty of options for fun or relaxing at TL, as well as lots to explore in town!

4:00 – 6:00pm – free time, clean up

6:00pm – Dinner

7:00pm – TRUTH session 5 (Josh Pedersen)

8:00pm – dessert/coffee, games and fellowship in the main lodge, free time


Wednesday, July 27th: (FREE DAY!)

8:00 – 9:30am – Open Continental Breakfast

10:30am – Shuttle to Winter Park Resort available for those who would like to try their hand at downhill (DH) mountain biking or have an exciting day at the base. 

(individuals will need to rent/bring equipment for DH, return shuttles at 12:30 and 4:00pm)

5:30 – 7:30pm – Ranch Dinner for the adults (Children fed separately) – Time to dress up like a Ranch Hand (but maybe don't come smelling like one)!

8:00pm – Square Dance Night!


Thursday, July 28th:

8:00am – Breakfast

9:00am – TRUTH session 6 (Josh Pedersen)

10:30am – Programmed bike ride options for all levels (return time will fluctuate by ride, then free time)

**If you or your family members opt out of today’s ride, there are plenty of options for fun or relaxing at TL, as well as lots to explore in town!

4:00 – 6:00pm – free time, clean up

6:00pm – Dinner

7:00pm – TRUTH session 7 (Josh Pedersen)

8:00pm – The Sunset Social! (snacks and drinks on the deck, enjoying our last night together)


Friday, July 29th:

Before 8:45am – All guests move out of rooms and pack up cars 

8:45am – Begin walk/bike to the TL Ranch

9:00am – Cowboy Breakfast at the Ranch

10:00am – Bike RODEO!

11:00am – group picture, farewells

11:30 – 12:30pm – good-byes, departure


© 2020-2023 Timberline Lodge

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